Our goal has always been to provide exceptional communication training.
Everything we do is designed to help you go beyond what you thought was possible.
We believe in communication.
Communication can
create miracles.
increase your success.
bring creative solutions.
change the World.
Daniel F. Boswell
Co-Founder and Senior Trainer
25 years of experience in training corporate communication
Since 2000 BOSWELL Communication Training GbR, Tübingen and Stuttgart, Germany.
Corporate communication training at multi-nationals and mid-size companies, nationally and internationally.
1995 Emigration from California, USA to Tübingen, Germany.
TESL Teaching English as a Second Language certification, focus on communication, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Bachelor of Arts, History, UCSB University of California, Santa Barbara.
Continuously expanding knowledge and know-how in broad variety of areas, e.g. communication psychology and branding.
Knowledge and Know-How. Motivating. Inspiring. Encouraging. Completely engaged. Very well structured.
Since 2010: Storytelling and Emotional Selling. Storytelling and Emotional Retail.
Dan's Blog.
Lastes Highlights:
During the Corona Crisis helping clients who were working from their home offices. Online, just in time, when help was needed.
Preparing pitches with young start-ups at Station F, Paris (2019 to 2020)
Project Storytelling: Book will soon be published.
Marion Hager-Boswell
Co-Founder and Managing Director
25 years of experience in developing and managing corporate communication training.
Since 2000 BOSWELL Communication Training GbR, Tübingen and Stuttgart, Germany.
Work for multinational companies.
English Certificate of Proficiency, University of Cambridge.
Study of Law at the Eberhard-Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany.
2-Year-Apprenticeship in travel, tourism and event panning.
Abitur (Associate of Arts), Geschwister Scholl Gymnasium, Stuttgart, Germany.
Continuously expanding knowledge and know-how in broad variety of areas,
e.g. marketing psychology, branding and social media.
"Sense and Non-Sense" of Communication.
Management and Marketing of BOSWELL Communication Training.
Creation of new training concepts.
Lastes Highlights:
Project Storytelling: Book will soon be published.
Project "The structure of convincing writing and presentation".
Our Consultant Network
We collaborate with a network of specialists from various disciplines as needed by our clients.
Floris Westerik
Freelance Affiliate Marketing & Partnership Specialist
Growing Businesses Through Partnerships.
Increase your online sales via affiliate marketing, influencer, B2B, online and unlock the revenue growth hiding beneath the surface of the partner marketing ecosystem today.
Maximilian Marten
Management Consultant & Sportsmarketing Expert & Relationship Builder
Associate Partner marketing-sparring.com / Lecturer EU Business School
Advising founders and companies operationally as well as strategically by identifying relevant business partners in order to achieve sustainable results together.
"I am enthusiastic when it comes to intercultural encounters, the digital topics that will accompany us in the future, and the world of sports."